11 weeks pregnant
Length: 3.7 cmWeight: 8 g
Baby development
The external genitals continue their development. If I’m male, the scrotum begins to take on a recognisable form and if I'm a girl, the labia does the same.
It's too early to see what sex I am with an ultrasound. I hardly know myself. The nub that will be a penis or clitoris is now the same size as it would be for boys and girls. If you are curious about my gender, you’ll have to be patient and wait a little while longer.
All of my organs are in place but they are not fully developed. This means that the risk of congenital malformations is significantly less after this time. The most critical time of my development is now over, but please, keep in mind that I'm still very much affected by what my mother eats and drinks. Hopefully, she ensures I get what I need nutritionally and is careful about not ingesting things that might be harmful to me.
Mothers development
If you have been struggling with nausea, that should slowly begin to ebb away.
Additionally, your body will require extra fluids as the increased blood circulation can result in the hands and feet feeling warmer than usual. Weight gain is also common. However, if you have vomited a lot during the first trimester, you may have lost weight. Both are common and usually nothing to worry about. Your body has been harvesting all the nutrition long before the pregnancy so there are plenty of resources for both you and the baby.
Experiencing over-active dreams, nausea, back pain, perhaps putting on a little extra weight, and having a hard time getting a decent night's sleep?
This may sound strange, but it has been found that one out of six partners experiences these kinds of pregnancy symptoms. One could say that your body and brain are playing tricks on you. This may lead to you lacking the motivation to do things or go out. But this is when it's a really good idea for you both to get out and at least take a short walk or two, as a start. A little fresh air will do you two good. You’ve got this!
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