16 weeks pregnant
Length: 11 cmWeight: 100 g
Baby development
I'm still a tiny specimen and can fit in the palm of your hand. But my abilities are amazing!
Despite my small size, I can now coordinate my movements. This is a result of my working nervous system and the responses of muscles to my brain's reactions.
I have plenty of space inside the uterus and can kick, spin around and perform somersaults, I'm great at those. But despite my vigorous gymnastics routines, it might still be difficult for my mother to feel my movements, because the amniotic fluid is sound-proof. But they will be visible on an ultrasound. Any foetal movement at this time of the pregnancy feels like the fluttering of a butterfly and is reminiscent of bowel movements. It’s only after some time into the pregnancy that mother might realise that she felt my movements within her, without really understanding what those were.
Mothers development
The baby has now taken to storing calcium to build its skeleton, which may result in your yearning for milk or other calcium-rich foods.
It's fascinating to discover how your body communicates what you and your child need! During pregnancy, it's common to develop a seemingly insatiable appetite. These are usually called ‘cravings' and they are the body's way of indicating an increased need for nutrients. Still, sometimes it may ask for a little more than is necessary, so feel free to show a little restraint occasionally.
Many thoughts are spinning in your head. Most of the early symptoms of pregnancy have passed and you may feel 'incredibly' well. This may cause concern that something is not as it should be. Especially as you probably haven’t been able to feel the child in there yet. This is a common phenomenon, but if the sense of worry becomes overwhelming, you can contact your midwife for advice.
Does it all feel surreal?
That is understandable. However, now is the time to begin forging a relationship with the bundle of joy in your partner's belly. Talk, gently poke and tell little stories such as how you and your partner met.
If you have not been on an early ultrasound already, it is now approaching for a routine ultrasound that is often done between weeks 18-20. It’s then that you’re likely to see your child for the first time as well as discover its gender if you want to know that. If you have not been given an appointment, talk to the midwife and book an appointment.
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