41 weeks pregnant

Length: 51.2 cmWeight: 3600 g

Baby development

I’m quite comfortable in here...

Mom probably finds it difficult having to wait for me to come out, but there are advantages to me taking my time. The longer mother is pregnant, the more both our bodies mature.

The hormone relaxin, which is secreted by the placenta to soften the mother’s cervix, is allowed to soften it even further, which will make delivery a smoother experience for her. In addition, the uterus softens and begins to open. This makes the body even more prepared to give birth to children. Most babies are born before they are overdue, i.e., before week 43. Assuming we both feel good, it is best for mom if her body allows childbirth to happen naturally even if it lasts longer than we both want.

Mothers development

You're past your due date and you're probably wondering if the baby has decided to set up camp in your belly forever.

But almost 90 per cent of all pregnant women who pass their due date give birth before week 42. That means you are almost at the finish line. Be patient! Your baby will soon be out.

Several Maternity health services offer checkups on the well-being of the mother and baby at the start of week 42. This check also considers if labour will be induced. During such a check-up, the health of both mother and child is examined, as well as the placenta and amniotic fluid. Your midwife or doctor may decide to conduct a so-called ‘membrane sweep,' a way to soften your womb, which may induce labour. If you feel unsure, are worried or are simply very impatient - talk to your midwife. Everything will be alright!


Can you already picture yourself on the couch cuddling with the newest addition to the family?

It’s a scary, but exciting thought that might seem a long way away if the little one shows no sign of coming out.

Do not forget to pep up yourself and the mother ahead of the delivery. It may feel very heavy for her to go over time but wow, how exciting it will be to meet your new family member!


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