29 weeks pregnant
Length: 39 cmWeight: 1200 g
Baby development
My brain is now regulating my breathing and body temperature, while I'm becoming increasingly more sensitive and responsive to light, sound, flavors, and smells.
The basis for my teeth was formed weeks ago, but now they are beginning to develop in my gums. Hair that previously covered my skin is now beginning to disappear.
I am now so strong that my kicks and movements can be seen and felt outside the belly. Sometimes it’s visible at strange angles depending on how I am positioned in my mother's belly. I have also developed a daily cycle of activity that is probably recognizable to my mother at this time. I awaken and kick at about the same times during the day and I ease up and sleep at about the same time later in the day. Mom sometimes checks in on me with a light nudge if she feels I’ve been still too long and I respond with a kick or two to allay her fears. But sometimes even that isn’t enough to wake me from my slumber. If she is still worried she can always contact the care provider. Not least so she knows there is nothing to worry about.
Mothers development
The third and final stretch of the pregnancy, the third trimester, is here. What a journey it has been!
If you haven’t already done so, it might be a good idea to register for birth preparation courses. For example, in a class for pregnant women and expectant parents, you can practice relaxation and learn breathing techniques, which can help during birth. Talk to your care provider and become familiar with courses and classes that might be available online.
Visits to your care provider are now becoming more regular and more frequent. The care provider checks that you and the baby are well and follows the growth and you get to listen to your heartbeat.
As mentioned earlier, it’s always a good idea for you to also attend (if you have the opportunity) when your partner visits the care provider.
It is also recommended that you sign up for a class or two with your partner designed to prepare you for the big day. Most of the time, some new questions and ideas may appear that you and you may not have thought of before - it’s also a good idea to write down a birth plan letter. There the two of you can share your thoughts, fears, tips for pain relief, and everything else in between.
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