4 weeks pregnant
Length: 0.1 cmWeight: 0 g
Baby development
Now the egg has taken hold in the mucous membrane.
The foundation for the future child (me!) Is now being laid and an intensive cell division is underway. You can see the contours of the basic structure of what will later become my digestive system, my blood vessels and lungs. The placenta has begun to form, but all the nutrients still come from the so-called yellow sac.
Despite the intense activity in the womb, my mother probably does not notice the pregnancy yet. But now I'm on my way!
Mothers development
The only thing that so far allows you to suspect that you are pregnant is that your period shines with its absence.
You may not feel any pregnancy problems other than a little aching menstrual cramps or tension in the breasts. The symptoms could just as well be a sign that your period is in progress, but when it does not occur you realize that something has changed…
Now the placenta is formed, a new organ inside you. The placenta produces the hormone hCG, which is supposed to prevent the embryo from being rejected. Hormone changes can be measured in blood and urine. The most common and easiest is to measure hCG in the urine, which is done with specially designed test strips - pregnancy tests.
The pregnancy test shows positive (congratulations!) And now it is guaranteed to bubble up lots of emotions; Surprise, anticipation, anxiety, fear, longing, hope, and happiness. As soon as you find out you are pregnant, it's time to call your care provider.
By now you may have taken a test and know you are pregnant...
Or you simply do not know yet. Or maybe it did not work, even though you tried for a long time. Independent output - do not forget to talk to each other. Very.
It is now that you choose how to proceed. Are you going to tell? Do you want to wait a bit? Whatever you choose to do - remember that there is nothing right or wrong. It is you who decides.
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