42 weeks pregnant

Length: 51.5 cmWeight: 3800 g

Baby development

I'm fully developed and I can't wait to meet you!

Even though I think it's nice and cozy lying in here. The longer I get to stay, the better prepared for the rest of my life I will be.

It is important for my mother to feel that my movements are normal every day. If not, my mum should contact the care provider or the delivery unit. Mums must trust their instincts. We are professionals in this, even though it may be the first time my mum is pregnant.

Mothers development

A week has passed from the estimated delivery date.

If you have a feeling of resignation and restlessness, these are common feelings. Keep reminding yourself that you will soon meet your child!

If you have not already been to a prolonged pregnancy checkup, you will probably attend one soon. At this examination, medical staff will ensure that all is well with both you and the child.

Always call the maternity ward if:

  • your water breaks
  • you have three contractions within 10 minutes (two if you have been through labor before)
  • you are bleeding
  • you experience decreased or complete lack of fetus movements
  • you feel scared or insecure


Do take another opportunity and talk to the mother about her expectations of you and your support.

It can be difficult to know how you both will react during delivery. However, by talking about your thoughts you may be able to be better prepared. You may feel a bit lost during the delivery and it may be hard to watch the mother when she is in pain, but by being engaged and present you will become invaluable support for her.


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