Hospital bag checklist – here you get tips

Planning and preparing the hospital bag well in advance is a common recommendation - and a good idea. Maybe you can hardly think of anything other than what is now in front of you, childbirth! Then it's nice to know that the bag is ready in the hall. Here you get the best tips for the perfect hospital bag.

Linnea Dinesen

Read time: 3 m

Written by Linnea Dinesen

Content Creator

Hospital bag checklist – here you get tipsPhoto: Preggers

When it’s time to go to the maternity ward, it’s good if the bag is packed and ready in the hallway. But the contents don’t matter that much, the symbolic value is greater than the actual needs. The bag can be a good way to prepare mentally and emotionally, also for you as a partner. Deciding what to bring could be a little ritual where you talk through and visualise the upcoming delivery.

Remember that you as a partner play an important part. Dare to take your place and tend to your own needs and ideas – you also need to pack the bag with things that suit you too. The baby will come out regardless, but it would be nice to bring things that will make both you and the mother comfortable and happy.

During the first stage (dilation stage), the mother often wants to move and walk around. It’s a good idea to pack a nice bathrobe and slippers. She’ll also be happy to put something comfy on after the delivery; large soft pants are a good idea to pack. Also pack comfy, spacious and warm maternity clothes for when you leave the hospital. When it comes to baby clothes, you don’t need much at the hospital but bring a onesie or two and a pair of pants. And don’t forget a beanie and warmer clothes for when you are going home.

Remember to pack convenient energy in the bag, for yourself as well. Beverages, fruit, candy and some energy bars are practical as they’re easy to eat or give the mother when she needs refuelling. Biscuits, nuts and dried fruits are also good to pack. Prepare some playlists, it’s nice to listen to music during the delivery, but you probably have the music on your phone and not in the bag… Some want to bring books, magazines, a tablet with films to pass time if it takes a long time.

It is also good to bring identification. If you have written a birth plan, pack it as well so you can read through it with the midwife if she hasn’t received it already.

A wheat bag to heat up in the microwave during the delivery is good for pain relief. Buy one of those and put it in the bag. Other great suggestions for packing in the BB-bag are:

  • Hairbands
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Hairbrush
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Underwear (in Sweden the mother usually gets mesh underwear from the hospital that can hold the large pads you need to wear due to bleeding, you often get to bring some home as well)
  • Nursing bra

Also buy – and remember to pack – nursing pads. When your breasts start leaking, your bra will quickly become drenched. Breast pads, or nursing pads, absorb the milk and are soft on sore nipples.

It’s smart to pack the bag well in advance. One less thing to think about when it’s getting close – and you never really know when it’s time… but it could reduce the stress if you have to rush!

Linnea Dinesen

Written by Linnea Dinesen

Content Creator


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