Safe exercise throughout pregnancy

Being active and exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for both body and mind. However, it is important to adjust the exercise routine according to the different trimesters of pregnancy and the changes in the body. Here are some tips for exercising safely throughout pregnancy.

Anna Reinhold Landaeus

Read time: 2 m

Verified by Anna Reinhold Landaeus

Licensed Personal Trainer - expertise in training during and after pregnancy.

Safe exercise throughout pregnancyPhoto: Preggers

Trimester 1

As long as the pregnancy is uncomplicated, it is good to continue being active and exercising throughout pregnancy. However, it is important to adjust the exercise routine according to the different trimesters of pregnancy and the changes in the body. During the first trimester, the biggest physiological changes occur, which can make one feel extra tired and nauseous. Listen to your body and rest when needed.

Trimester 2

From the second trimester, focus on exercises that strengthen the upcoming changed body posture. However, it may be difficult to activate the abdominal muscles as the belly begins to grow more and the pressure on the pelvic floor increases. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the following during exercise: do pelvic floor exercises, avoid heavy and forced abdominal exercises, focus on breathing, avoid exercises that create too much abdominal pressure and modify exercises such as lunges or find alternative exercises to jumping and running. In spinning classes, it is good to sit down and raise the handlebars. Avoid lying on your back during exercise due to the vena cava syndrome.

Trimester 3

During the third trimester, the belly becomes even larger, which can affect the movement pattern. It may be more difficult to stabilize the body, which means that one needs to scale back and modify the exercise routine even more. Sitting down and doing the exercises can be a way to modify the training and release some pressure against the pelvic floor. Put extra focus on breathing, relaxation and mobility to prepare the body for childbirth.

Anna Reinhold Landaeus

Verified by Anna Reinhold Landaeus

Licensed Personal Trainer - expertise in training during and after pregnancy.


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