Pro...phylax…prophylaxis is helpful also too fearful partners

We regularly hear about pregnant women’s fears of labour and delivery, and what can be done to alleviate them. It is also true, however, that every tenth partner suffers from fear of delivery. But no one is talking about it...

Jenny Jansson

Read time: 3 m

Verified by Jenny Jansson

Certified midwife

Pro...phylax…prophylaxis is helpful also too fearful partnersPhoto: Preggers

Today it’s obvious that the partner is present at birth, but it is not as obvious to talk about childbirth fear. The partner is only expected to be there as a support and watch out during childbirth. Nevertheless, the problem is bigger than you think.

It has turned out that the biggest fear for the partner is that the mother or the child will die and that they will just stand there and see it happening. Unfortunately, the fear is likely to negatively affect their relationship with the child initially, until they are convinced the danger has passed. Experts on the subject say it is important to take these fears seriously and address the problem.

Unfortunately, we are not there yet. Many midwives find it difficult to talk to anxious partners. However, partners must bring up their concerns. There is no point for the partner in ignoring them and believing it will just fix itself. Talk about the concerns during a visit to the Maternity Care Clinic. In many cases, a short conversation is enough. If not, the staff there will be able to guide you to some other interventions.

It helps to talk, and it has also been found that prophylaxis is helpful for partners who have fears about the delivery. Some people are sceptical about prophylaxis… What is prophylaxis really and why is it helpful for some?

Prophylaxis may not be the ultimate training, but it provides very concrete advice to partners about what they can do during the delivery. This makes them feel better prepared. The training classes are also some of the few, if not only, opportunities for some partners to get to talk about childbirth with others. This makes them realize that they are not alone in having fears. It's quite normal and not strange at all.

Three quick tips to tackle your fears

1 – Talk about your concerns

There is no point in ignoring them – the child will be born no matter what. Bring it up during a visit to the Maternity Care Clinic. They can help with some further advice.

2 – Look for experience

Needless to say, a lot of people have been in your situation. Talk to friends who have experienced fears like yours.

3 – Participate in prophylaxis training

Research shows that it is useful. Many people who have previously been sceptical are increasingly positive afterwards, especially their partners!

Jenny Jansson

Verified by Jenny Jansson

Certified midwife


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