Baby blues – temporary sadness after childbirth

After childbirth, it’s common for the mother to experience mood swings. Approximately 50-70% of all new mothers experience what is commonly referred to as the baby blues or maternity blues.

Ingela Ågren

Read time: 1 m

Verified by Ingela Ågren

Certified Midwife

Baby blues – temporary sadness after childbirthPhoto: Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Mood swings typically begin around the third day after childbirth. The cause is believed to be a major hormonal change in the body after having given birth. The symptoms usually include sadness mixed with feelings of happiness, fatigue, anxiety, sorrow, and difficulty concentrating. The baby blues can come and go but will usually not last for more than two weeks after childbirth. It can be good to know in advance that you may experience the baby blues after childbirth and to know that you have support from people around you and the health care personnel.

If the sadness does not pass, you can talk to your nurse at your local Child Health Care Centre or staff at your Health Care Centre. It is common to suffer from postpartum depression and help is available!

Ingela Ågren

Verified by Ingela Ågren

Certified Midwife


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